Sunday, September 9, 2012

Sermon Reflections Are Moving

The launch of a new website by our church necessitates that I move my blog, so beginning today my blog is migrating (I'm told that is the proper terminology) to a new location.  Click here to find my future blog posts:

Thanks for reading!
Byron Fike

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

The Whole Story

Sunday's most repeated question, "Since you covered the whole story this week does that mean I don't have to come for the next 31 Sundays?"  Answer: "Only if you think I covered everything that needed to be said about the Bible in a single 30 minute sermon." 

It was good to take a BIG picture look at the message of salvation from sin last week.  Knowing the end from the beginning allows us to see Jesus on every page.  Our perspective on life is so short sighted, so ego-centric, so . . . well, so human! 

Taking a few steps back and seeing the whole message of scripture helps us trust God as we live out our day to day existence.  He really is working out his plan, even when we can't see it.  He really does want to use us and work through us.  Our job is not to know HOW everything is working out, but to put our faith in the One who does.  He is the one who has accepted us, redeemed us, adopted us and reconciled us to himself.  He is the One who has given us eternal life in his son and has promised to be with us through this life and finally to right all the wrongs on earth so that our future will be more glorious than we can even imagine. 

I promised someone on Sunday that I would repeat the listing of sin's consequences that I quickly covered in the sermon.  I began with the introduction of sin and ended with the cycle of revenge.  I didn't give any scripture references but will include some in this list.  All the references come from Genesis:

Sin (3:1-6)
Shame (3:7)
Cover up (3:8-10)
Finger Pointing (3:11-13)
Jealously (4:3-5)
Anger (4:6-7)
Murder (4:8)
Revenge (4:23-24)

Revenge is history of the world, but thankfully it does not get the last word.  When Jesus taught that we are to forgive "not seven times but seventy-seven times" (Matthew 18:22) he is surely echoing Lamench's boast.  God has turned an "up-side-down" world "right-side-up" through Jesus' death and resurrection.  The renewal of all things has begun.  Now we pray, "Come, Lord Jesus!" (Revelation 22:20) as we await the final redemption.

Sunday, August 26, 2012

Deal or No Deal

It was right at one year ago that we were first introduced to the idea of The Story.  Since that time we have been systematically praying, planning, preparing and organizing so that The Story might have the biggest impact for good possible upon our church and community.  Now almost everything is in place.  As was presented in the lesson time this morning, what happens next is in large part, up to you. 

I keep wondering what our church will be like if everyone follows through with the commitments made this morning.  Surely our knowledge will be enriched.  Reading The Story personally and then exploring each chapter in Bible classes will certainly help us to be a more Biblicaly literate people.  I'm optimistic that our families will grow closer to one another.  Nothing builds unity like working together on for a common purpose.  I'm envisioning our families reading together and talking among themselves about the messages they are learning from God's Word.  I'm praying that our love for one another grows stronger and deeper as we share our lives with those in our Story Groups.  What will happen in our worship services as 400-500 of us all devote ourselves to the common purpose of knowing God and following his will for our lives? 

Finally, can you imagine the 31 week result of every person committing themselves to align their story with God's story?  You can dream about what might be, but always remember that the only person who's decisions you can control is yourself.  You can encourage others, teach, admonish, and exhort.  But in the end, you are the only one who do what you need to do for The Story to impact your life.    That's why I ended today's message with the words of Joshua, "As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD".  Amen, me too Joshua, me too.

Sunday, August 19, 2012

Story Groups 101

House Church, Life Group, Small Group, Family Circle, Story Group -- whatever you call it, having a few people gather regularly to share one another's lives in Christian fellowship is a blessing.  It's not always easy, it's not always fun, it often requires things of you that did not know you were capable of.  But when you back up and see the BIG picture, you know it's good to be in intimate relationships with like-minded people. 

So many stories today and so many more that could have been told.  What stories will be shared at the completion of our 31 week journey though The Story?  God only knows.  But we can be assured that as we invest our lives in the lives of others God's Spirit will be at work.  Don't miss the opportunity to love and be loved through our newly formed Story Groups.

Sunday, August 5, 2012

Impact Week 2012

A small elderly gentleman came by our office two weeks ago.  He spoke a little English but not enough to fully communicate.  We finally discovered he was an Armenian Christian from Egypt.  He had a notebook which he said was the Bible in handwritten Arabic.  He asked if we would make a copy for him.  We told him where Kinko's was located and he replied that he was a poor man.  After a little consultation among ourselves we had one of our youth interns make the requested copy.

When the copy was given to the little man he immediately pulled out another small notebook with the same request.  Before I could tell him that we could not do anymore, the youth intern had already begun the process of making copies.  Before he left the man thanked us repeatedly, kissing our hands.  The next day he returned with yet another notebook.  Having no way to know how many notebooks he might produce I told him we were not going to make any more copies for him.  He begged me repeatedly, but I stood my ground.  I told him that I would buy him an Arabic Bible and got his name and address.

The Bible arrived during Impact Week so I grabbed a crew of workers to go with me to deliver the Bible.  We knocked on the door and heard people inside but nobody would open the door.  When I asked him about it later he told me that he was scared.  I should have known better than to take that many people but thought it would be a good experience for our teenagers. 

I went back later in the afternoon by myself and was pleased to see him outside his house.  Another group of Impact workers were doing yard work in the house across the street from where he lived.  He saw what they were doing and had taken them some crude tools to use.  He later took them some pudding cups and sliced apples. 

He invited me into his simple home where I met his invalid sister.  She spoke no English.  He was happy to receive the Bible and took joy in explaining who the various family members were in the pictures on display.  He had numerous religious icons reflecting his faith as an orthodox Christian.  I prayed with he and his sister in their den.  As I left the house the man asked me for bread.  Having seen his house I could tell he very well could be in need of food.  Another service group working with Impact went to the grocery store and purchased about $60 worth of rice, eggs, fruit, vegetables, and other healthy items.  He and his sister were overjoyed when we made the delivery and all of us prayed together once again. 

This morning one of our teens told me the man was at church.  Sure enough, he was sitting in the very back at the end of a pew.  I spoke with him for a moment before the service began.  He was gone before the service ended.  I assume he did not want to leave his sister along for any longer than necessary.  I was glad that he came.  Our service to him was done with no strings attached.  However, his coming to church this morning communicated something that needs no translator.  I hope we see him again.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

Love Come to Life

It's easy preaching when all I have to do is introduce two individuals with wonderful stories to tell like we had today.  If you missed the sermon it should be online by July 31 so go to and listen in.  I've known Paul Tate since my early years here at Clear Lake.  He's been on the upward journey for a long time even though he's taken a number of detours along the way.  His story is so encouraging because he didn't let his failures define him but kept allowing the love of God to take continue to transform his life.  I've known Kate Hettinger for the past 5 years or so and have always been impressed with her devotion to Jesus and infectious love to everyone.  I had never heard her story until this morning.  Kate's testimony is such a great reminder that the love of God flows TO us so that it can flow THROUGH us.  I look forward to hearing the stories that will be told in next Sunday's service.  Let God's love flow through you this week so that all might know that God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son that whoever believes in him might not perish but have everlasting life!

Sunday, July 22, 2012

Stuck in Prison

Hatred imprisons us, no doubt about it.  So, what do we do with it?  Pretend it's not there?  Embrace it and use it to fuel our destruction of others?  Those praying the Psalms learn how to put words to their hate in the form of prayer.  Only by owning our hatred can we move toward forgiveness. 

After I had written this sermon (but before I preached it) I heard of the unspeakable horror that occurred in a movie theater in Colorado.  Lives senselessly snuffed out by a deranged mad man.  Those were survived were terrorized and/or physically injured. Surely no one in that movie house will ever be the same again.  Will the survivors ever be able to enjoy a movie?  Or will they always be fearful and anxious?  We don't choose the emotions of fear, anger, and hatred.  They erupt without internal provocation.  And once they rise within us, what are we to do?  

Pray, of course.  But what does one full of ugly emotion pray?  Pray honest prayers that express the pain, injustice, and anger.  Psalm 137 is no where near Psalm 23 in popularity, but it has it's place in the inspired book of prayers.  Without it (and the other imprecatory Psalms) how would we know what to do with our rage?  Trust God enough to express your ugliest, most disgusting thoughts and feelings.  He will see that justice is done.  And, unlike humans, he will know exactly who needs justice and who needs mercy.  Trust him, there is no reason for hatred to keep you prison forever.  He will teach you how to forgive so that you can be set free from the prison of hate.