Willie, on the other hand, provided a wonderful example for the sermon. At last we've solved his pulling tendencies by the use of the "Gentle Leader." This collar places a strap across his nose which only applies pressure if he runs ahead of his master (PC alert! Formerly the adopted parents of dogs were called masters. Gasp!)
If Willie would simply trust his Master, he would happily walk beside him without any type of collar or lease.
When God calls us to "walk as Jesus walked" he gives us total freedom. We can (foolishly) choose to walk in darkness (and suffer the consequence) or we can joyfully walk in the light (and enjoy all the benefits!). The blood of Jesus makes it possible for us to follow the desire of our heart to live obediently to God in spite of our sins. The only "requirement" is faith! As the old hymn says, "Trust and obey, for there's no other way to be happy in Jesus; but to trust and obey."