Sunday, May 18, 2008

Sharing in Christ's Sufferings

Nobody gets excited about the prospect of suffering. It's only when we see suffering as an unavoidable path to our goal that we gain the courage to walk the path. In a religious culture where God is often viewed as wanting nothing more than to make our dreams come true, talking about joining Christ in his suffering and death is a tough sell. However, when we align ourselves with the purposes of God in bringing his kingdom into this world, suffering for Christ becomes an honor and a privilege. This is why Paul could write, "For it has been granted to you on behalf of Christ not only to believe on him, but also to suffer for him, . ." (Philippians 1:29).

Suffering is certainly not the end in itself; as though we make it our goal to suffer! Rather, suffering is a means to an end. Jesus suffered that we might live. We suffer that God might be glorified in us. May God grant us the courage and faith to join Jesus in his sufferings whenever obedience to the Name calls us to walk that path.


Skull Jockey said...

Resurrection Sandwich, that was great! Suffering is a tough subject, at least to us in our time and culture. We want to hear the health and wealth gospel, that's where we think that hope lies. Interestingly enough, Paul found hope in his suffering. Perhaps we need a change of perspective.

Byron said...

Well put Jeremy. The next sermon will talk about how that perspective allows us have joy that cannot be taken away from us. Stay tuned!