Sunday, June 1, 2008

Peace that Transcends all Understanding

I don't know how many people told me that after last week's sermon they rented "Facing the Giants". If you have not watched the movie I highly recommend it. In a couple of weeks we will be returning to the series "Reel Prayer" where I show movie clips with each sermon. However, there are not many movies I can recommend without at least some reservation. "Facing the Giants" is a wonderful family movie where you will never find yourself struggling to quickly fast forward over a scene or hit the mute button.

The Apostle Paul really set the bar high when he calls on us to have the mind of Christ. It is so unnatural that it does not "feel" right; at least initially. Over the long haul however, having the mind of Christ is the only true path to joy, peace, and contentment. Someone spoke to me after the sermon and described some of the persecution they endure on a regular basis. On their job they often suffer humiliation, insults, and unjust criticism. Responding with gentleness instead of retaliation is sure to be noticed. In the end it will be those who are full of hatred and criticism who will be miserable; the one with the mind of Christ will be able to sleep at night with a heart full of peace.

1 comment:

Skull Jockey said...

Peace is hard. Especially in our society, based on high stress and production. Yet it seems to be what everyone is seeking after, they (we) just seek it in all the wrong places: relationships, careers, money, etc. I know that I am still on the journey.