Sunday, December 20, 2009

God's Dwelling Among Us

Who would have thought that Israel's Tabernacle would be such an appropriate topic for a Christmas sermon? The standard picture for this season is, of course, a baby in a manger. This image certainly communicates a number of important truths. However, thinking about God coming to "tabernacle" with us in the person of Jesus makes his birth even more unique.

The Old Testament tabernacle glittered with all the gold that was used in it's construction. The gold directed Israel's attention to their God. Likewise, the Heavenly city of Jerusalem in John's Revelation, is made of gold as clear as glass (a quality that surpasses any gold on earth!). However, when God became flesh in the person of Jesus and "did tabernacle among us," the only gold he received was when the Magi presented it to him as a gift (Matthew 2:11). Jesus did not need the reflection of gold to show the glory of God. He IS God dwelling (or tablernacling) among his people! He is the one who is truly more precious that silver, more costly than gold. And as the song says, "Nothing I desire compares with you." Jesus is the fulfillment of all of our dreams and desires. Give him all the glory and honor this Christmas and every day!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Good brief and this post helped me alot in my college assignement. Gratefulness you for your information.