Sunday, October 24, 2010

The Disciples' Most Embarrassing Moment

I want formulas; the Lord wants faith.  I want the world to work in such a way that if I do the right things the right consequences are automatic.  The Lord wants me to trust him to provide all that I need to accomplish his will in this world.  I want guarantees of painlessness, absence of suffering and constant happiness.  God wants me to accept his promises by faith even if my time here involves suffering and a cross. I wonder why God won't answer my prayers.  God wonders why I don't utilize prayer as a means of getting to know him better.

I want my faith to grow stronger so I confess my confusion, my selfishness, my pride and arrogance.  I confess that I no longer want to be in charge of my life; instead I want God to use me for his purposes regardless of who gets credit or glory.  I'm having trouble believing that God could do anything with such a pitiful excuse for faith but I hold my little mustard seed-sized faith up to him and say, "I do believe, help me overcome my unbelief."  God say, "Alright!  Now we're getting somewhere."

The End?  No, this is the Beginning!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Awesome sermon on faith!I left church feeling uplifted in the knowledge that our Savior can work even with our small mustard seed of faith!

Praise be to God our Father!