Sunday, February 19, 2012

Remember and Forgive

Around 10 years ago I preached the same sermon I preached this morning.  A woman was in attendance who had suffered a terrible wrong in her life.  She told me a few days after the sermon that she had decided to forgive the one who had wronged her and her family.  Such a horrible sin had been committed against her that I marveled at her faith. 

Today she was in the audience again as I spoke about remembering what the Lord has done for us and allowing that forgiveness to flow through us to those who sin against us.  I asked her after the sermon if she remembered the first time I had preached the sermon.  Tears filled her eyes.  At first I was afraid that all the pain of her terrible ordeal was bubbling up.  Instead, she said, "I wouldn't be the person I am today if I hadn't learned to forgive."  Tears of grief had been replaced with tears of gratitude.  Allowing God's forgiveness to flow through us to others brings blessings upon blessings to our lives. 


Anonymous said...

Forgiveness is the hardest when the offender does not recognize (or admit) that they did something wrong. How can God forgive the trespasses that I don't even realize I make? D Thompson

Unknown said...

Awesome sermon Byron! Loved the stories from real people and how they dealt with forgiving or not forgiving others.

Hard stuff... yet central to the message of Jesus. I think it gives more significance to "forgive as your Father forgives you."