Sunday, March 4, 2012

Elder Ordination

I've always wondered about the "laying on of hands".  What is there about the physical touch that makes that ceremony significant?  As I said this morning, this symbolic gesture was used throughout scripture to signify the appointment to leadership.  What did Joshua think when Moses laid hands on him knowing that as the hands were laid on his soulders so was the responsiblity of taking care of the people of God?  As the Apostles laid hands on the Seven, did that experience communicate something to them?  Did Paul and Barnabas feel a sense of empowerment to go on the mission God had called them to when the church in Antioch laid hands on them? 

This morning I decided to do something different as I laid hands on each elder.  One by one I called them by name and spoke words affirming the work Jesus is giving them.  "Shepherd the church of God", I said to the first man.  "Feed my sheep", I urged the next.  One after another I called them by name and gave them their charge.  "Take care of my flock", I said to the third.  Each man looked me in the eye.  Some had the beginnings of tears forming. 

Ten men will now form our shepherding group.  Men of courage, faith and conviction.  Men who understand the task Jesus had laid on their shoulders just as they felt the weight of my hands.  Brothers who have heard the voice of Jesus speaking to them, "Shepherd the church of God", "Feed my sheep," "Take care of my flock."  Shepherds who believe the promises of scripture, "And when the Chief Shepherd apears, you will receive the crown of glory that will never fade away." (1 Peter 5:4)  Pray for them and receive them as God's gift to his church.

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