Sunday, August 19, 2012

Story Groups 101

House Church, Life Group, Small Group, Family Circle, Story Group -- whatever you call it, having a few people gather regularly to share one another's lives in Christian fellowship is a blessing.  It's not always easy, it's not always fun, it often requires things of you that did not know you were capable of.  But when you back up and see the BIG picture, you know it's good to be in intimate relationships with like-minded people. 

So many stories today and so many more that could have been told.  What stories will be shared at the completion of our 31 week journey though The Story?  God only knows.  But we can be assured that as we invest our lives in the lives of others God's Spirit will be at work.  Don't miss the opportunity to love and be loved through our newly formed Story Groups.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

I was encouraged by the testimonials to become part of one of the story groups. I hope that it works out. I was also surprised at how many dots there were on the membership map in the Pasadena/Deer Park/La Porte area. I really thought it was just us and one other family. I hope there will be a group close to our area.

I was disappointed that in light of the tragic events of the week, we didn't have at least part of the service devoted to prayers and songs of mourning and comfort. Listening to the song selection, I felt like we didn't really learn anything from our study of the psalms.