Sunday, August 5, 2007

The Irony

One definition of irony is, "an outcome of events contrary to what was, or might have been, expected." Talking about the cross in 21st Century North America is vastly different from talking about the cross in 1st Century Corinth. To think that God would allow his son to suffer the indignity, humiliation, and shame of death on a cross was almost unthinkable to a person familiar with the use of crosses for public execution. For Jesus to say that one who would follow him must take up their cross daily is laughable until we realize that he is serious. To view the slide show of methods of execution I referenced in the sermon this morning click here. (You many need to click the link "Continue Gallery" to get past the ads.) I find these images disturbing but they do put into context why "the message of the cross is foolishness to those who are perishing" (1 Cor. 1:18).

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1 comment:

Skull Jockey said...

I agree, the cross has become very common place. I am very proud of you and what you preached yesterday. That was the message of the cross. Too often all people hear is "come and be blessed at the foot of the cross." While it is true that God's blessing reign over his people, it is also true that the Christ called us to follow him. And his path leads directly to the cross. It's not an easy message to preach in today's world. Like you mentioned, today's churches are about getting bigger with programs and events instead of getting sanctified with sacrifice and suffering.
The cross is still foolishness today. From my personal experience, the brutality of the cross is one of the main reasons given for disbelief.