Sunday, August 12, 2007

The Loaf

Application of the biblical text is not always as easy one might think. I wonder what the full story was on the man who was sleeping with his father's wife. Surely it was not his mother or else Paul would have said so. But what was the story and what had Paul's previous attempts been to restore the man? And how do we apply the command to not even eat with such persons when it appears that the kind of meal Paul was referring to does not even exist in our church culture? Such questions trouble me but I think we can still glean the point Paul is making and there is certainly plenty of relevant application to be made to our lives. The sermon this morning was an attempt to do that. Imagine how much fun we'll have when we get to women wearing veils, men not cutting their hair, and women remaining silent! If only we had someone from Chloe's household to fill in the details for us.


Andreia Huff said...

when we get to women wearing veils, men not cutting their hair, and women remaining silent
Oh can't wait for that!

Skull Jockey said...

Personally, I thought this sermon was one of the best I've heard you do. It seemed that last Sunday's sermon would have went better with chapter one. That being said, it was a good sermon nonetheless. Sundays, however, was right on target. Especially considering the passage and the tendency for our brotherhood to literally rip people away from the body of Christ with it.
You're right, it is very hard to make current applications when there is so much of the story that we do not know.
In reference to table fellowship, or as you more succinctly put it, the communion meal, I really feel that our culture is missing out on something. There is a large element that we miss, that is communion with our fellow believers. A professor friend of ours at OC once told us of the time he went to a congregation and communion was done in a group atmosphere. The elements were passed out and then each believer got with others (forming groups of two to ten) and prayed and took the elements together. What a interesting idea!
Oh, hey, I loved the visual aids, especially when you get caught off guard by raisin bread! That was great!

Skull Jockey said...

Oh, just a thought, maybe you could use Paul as an example when you talk about men and hair!

Byron said...

Good point! For those who are uninformed he is NOT talking about the Apostle Paul.