Sunday, September 9, 2007

The Freedom

How much fun was it watching me scramble to fill time while Alan worked on the DVD player? I can be scary when I get away from my script. All in all I communicated what I felt I needed too even if you all missed out on the excellent Rocky II clips. Paul argues for preachers to be financially supported in 1 Cor. 9 but then says that while he was among the Corinthians he waved his rights for the sake of the Gospel. I then take his words and make a major point about how we all need to be involved in supporting the ministers we've asked to devote a substantial part of their time to minister among us (a point I don't believe Paul was specifically making). I felt I was taking Paul's original point (giving up one's rights for the sake of the weak) and expanded upon his arguments to apply his words to our situation (which I think he would agree with). Is that what Paul did when he made an argument for supporting preachers because in the Law we are required to not muzzle our oxen? Oh well, my primary point, which I hope all will remember, is to keep our eyes on the prize so that we will freely deny ourselves of certain freedoms and rights so that we can win as many as possible.


Skull Jockey said...

I will write more later, but I have to ask, How did you get the picture of me?!?!?!?!?!?

Byron said...


Take off your shirt and look in the mirror! But please, don't take a picture!!!!

Skull Jockey said...

Personally, I thought the scrambling was funny (in a good way). It seemed that after the tech mishap, you really focused in on the what you really wanted us to know.
You make a good point with Paul's reference to the ox law. Paul makes some interesting usages of OT passages, that often seem to us out of context, but I guess we can chalk it up to HS inspiration.
What I got from your sermon was WIN. To do what it takes to win others and to not disqualify ourselves from the prize.
I was really pleased at your side note that winning doesn't mean winning our salvation. I hope many more people caught on to that comment.
Thanks, for everything.
Grace and Peace!