Sunday, November 18, 2007

The Altar & The Table

It's no secret that Thanksgiving is my favorite holiday. I love the idea of devoting a day for the purpose of giving God the appropriate thanks for all that he has done for us. Being able to spend the day with my family makes the day joyous indeed!

Our assembly seemed so alive this morning. Our all male praise team made such a beautiful noise to the Lord encouraging us all to participate. Having our children down front for a special lesson is always fun. Our pantry collection was sufficient to help many needy families in the coming months (well over $4,000). Having our family prayer time focus on thanksgiving brought tears to my eyes as people I have prayed with over the year came to "report" on how God has answered our prayers. Finally, taking the Lord's Supper together at the end of the service was especially joy filled.

For some reason the tradition of taking the Lord's Supper that we inherited is very solemn, reflective, and individualized. As we read in the Scriptures today, the original purpose of the Supper was that it be joyful, festive, and communal. My hope is that we will continue to move in this direction exploring more ways to observe the Communion that we assist our growth in expressing our gratitude to God for all that he has done for us in Christ Jesus our Lord.

1 comment:

Amanda said...

That was one of the best services I have ever been a part of. I was uplifted, moved and motivated to action.

Thank you for your incredible sermon and please pass along the thanks to David and everyone else who worked to make last Sunday special.

We are going to miss you guys this Sunday. Don't do anything cool while we're gone...