Monday, December 17, 2007


I am continually amazed at the creativity of David Layman. Each year he crafts the perfect Candlelight service. The highlight of this year's service for me was having the children of the SMOMS (Single mom's ministry) carry in the various ceramic characters for the nativity. The number of children growing up in homes without a father is increasing. Few would say this is an ideal environment for children, however, this is the reality of the world in which we live. My hope is that our church will be a welcoming environment for single moms and their children and that these children grow to know God as their Father who will never leave them nor forsake them. May we, as the people of God, work to this end. Thank you David, for one small step in that direction.


Skull Jockey said...

It was a pretty amazing evening. I know Amanda and I were both blessed by being there. The nature of families are indeed changing and I am glad that CCC2 is open to embracing and assisting those families.
Praise God!

Skull Jockey said...

Thanks for the comment. I've been working on that blog for a few months now. It is more to chronicle my journey in becoming a therapist and to be able to look back and see what I was thinking/reading/interested in. I try to write weekly, so check back whenever you get a chance. Peace! JP