Monday, December 3, 2007

The Prophet

When Jesus came as "The Prophet" Moses had spoken about, his first sermon was, "repent for the kingdom of heaven is near." It is repentance that opens our heart to enter the kingdom and repentance that keeps us maturing and growing in Christ.

It is amazing that so wonderful a gift as repentance has come to be viewed so distastefully. It is such a blow to our pride to admit that we have been wrong. However, when we humble ourselves before God and freely confess our sins, we give the Holy Spirit the necessary room to bring about transformation of our true selves. It is then that "times of refreshing come from the Lord" (Acts 3:19).


Trucking for Jesus said...

Through life and it struggles we have a Jesus and the Holy Spirit our comforter. Allowing change to come in our life through His word. Being transformed by His love and growing in the grace that Christ gave us. Causing us to be transformed in the perfection of Christ brings true
times or refreshing's. To know ourselves through the identity of cross. To suffer as Christ did humbling ourselves to His will. Total abandonment to receive Christ transforming love and mercy. We have to have a heart of repentance at all times to be receive those times of refreshing. Its so refreshing to know our sins are washed away day by day. To know and feel God's love changing us to be perfected in him and His glory. From the valley of our lives to the mountain peeks. Love and Mercy follows us. We can be refreshed and transformed to fight the good fight of faith. You can fight through this life being tiered and worn out. We need to grow in the grace of Jesus and to allow His love and mercy to follow us. I am glad I serve a God that don't hold up bat and whack us on the head. That would hurt bad. God is a God of love mercy and grace That wants to show his love and blessings to.

Trucking for Jesus said...

You can't fight through this life being tiered and worn out.
(sentence correction)