Sunday, August 10, 2008

Impact Week in Four Words

I like things that are simple. How much simpler could it be than to reduce a BIG idea like Impact Week into four simple words? Seeking, Loving, Serving, and Teaching are easy concepts to grasp. Building an entire worship service around these words was not difficult. There are many songs and scriptures that could have been used. However, as simple as these words are, think of what it cost God to actually do them? All of the Trinity is involved in these activities and God has graciously called us to join him as well. May we shine as brightly as our yellow t-shirts this week to let our neighborhood know that God loves them and wants to be in relationship with them.


Tommytwotoez said...

I thought it was a great sermon to start off Impact Week. Even though I normally enjoy every sermon, I also like to see a little change thrown into the mix from time to time. Having singing after every word to discride Impact week's purpose was outstanding!

Skull Jockey said...

I really enjoyed the themed singing as well. I also enjoyed hearing the teens read the scriptures, that was awesome.