Sunday, August 24, 2008

Tactical Training

Based on the comments I received after church today, this sermon was on target with where we are as a congregation. How often I need to be reminded that we are in a spiritual battle. I need to keep the lines of communication open between myself and my Lord; as well as continuing to talk with my fellow laborers in the field. Two things happened after the sermon that were meaningful to me. The first was a dear sister who came during Family Prayer Time to pray over me! I had revealed during the sermon that I have been hearing the voice of the enemy and struggling with a dark cloud of doubt. She came to ask God to help me move through this. What a blessing! The second thing happened after service when I was in conversation with another person. We were talking about some people problems when a comment was made that could have easily taken us down the path of gossip and slander. The person caught what was said and instantly remarked, "We can't let the enemy take us down that road" (or something to that effect). How wonderful it is when we all work together to recognize the tactics of the evil one. "We are not unaware of his schemes" (2 Cor. 2:11).


Tommytwotoez said...

What a great sermon, Byron! Its so very important to be reminded that the "evil one" is out and about. Just waiting for someone to have a weak moment. Its good to be reminded that sometimes we need to really reflect on what we're doing and ask ourselves if its right, and to always remember that prayer is our best line of defence.

Skull Jockey said...

I was really surprised. I opened up the Sunday Sheet and there were fill-in-the-blanks! I nearly fell off of my pew!

I appreciated you honesty. From what little I know, you and Liz had a very challenging week. You guys know that Amanda and I are always available for you guys (and bear and willy).

Satan is definitely an opportunistic feeder. He also notices quite quickly when something big in the Kingdom is going down. And he is there to start picking at wounds and to see where the blood flows.

Skull Jockey said...

Oh - By the way, check out my blog, I chronicled my time with your furry friends!

Anonymous said...

I felt as though you were looking right at me during your sermon:o) Satan has been hot on my trail for some time now. I am currently going through one of the hardest times of my spiritual life. I think Satan has outwitted me and deceived me and is now trying his best to disgrace me. I have prayed more than any other time in my life and have repented. But what happens when you've done both and resisted with all your might, but the devil's foothold remains strong thus, you can't stand??? Oh to know God's timetable . . .

Byron said...

There are two types of confession mentioned in the NT. 1 John 1:9 says, "If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness." That is a confession between you and God. The second type of confession is mentioned in James 5:16, "Therefore, confess your sins to each other and pray for each other so that you may be healed. The prayer of a righteous person is powerful and effective." The situation you are describing is one that you cannot fight alone. Talk to a mature brother of sister in the Lord, confess your sins to them, and have them pray over you. They will also need to walk with you for awhile until you are free from this entanglement.