Sunday, September 14, 2008

A hard day's night

Well after definitely deciding not to leave on Wednesday evening we awoke Thursday to a mandatory evacuation of our zip code. We packed a few things and took off for Abilene to stay with our son Ben for what we thought would be only a day or two. We arrived at 10pm and are still uncertain when we will return. Preliminary reports are that our house was not damaged. However, we heard the same report about our church building and by looking on the web site I see that there is roof damage and the water has damaged part of the sanctuary. I will probably return when I hear that power has been restored to my house.

Yesterday was my b'day and so we invited our fellow Clear Lake evacuees over for cake and ice cream. They were joined by others we have known through the years who are here in Abilene. It was great to get away from the news reports from Houston and laugh for awhile.

Today I preached for Ben at the Mary Neal Church of Christ and went to church with Elizabeth tonight at Hope Church here in Abilene. What a blessing it is to be able to share those worship services with our children.

I'm getting scattered reports about various church members. So far serious damage appears to have affected only a few and for that we are thankful and yet concerned about the few. I am sure that when we return there will be plenty of work for all of us to do.

1 comment:

Skull Jockey said...

Thanks for the update. We are glad that you were able to take some time off to laugh and enjoy your birthday with some of your family and friends.
Amanda and I definitely missed you yesterday...but that's a story for another time! Actually, we just missed all of our church family and the Spirit that moves within the CLC2. We too often take for granted the church family that we have. I know it's not perfect, but its family, and we genuinely care about each other.
Amanda and I are headed to Ft. Worth today and will stay the next couple of days with our friends Gary and Jennifer Williams. We are also planning a semi-foundations reunion with several of our foundations people who evacuated to the Fr. Worth area. Grace and Peace!