Sunday, March 29, 2009

The Appearing

Here is a look at the Sacagawea dollar coin that I held up for the children to see this morning. We sometimes think, "if only I could actually see an undeniable, biblical type of miracle, I could easily believe." The evidence clearly shows that many saw just those miracles but still didn't believe. In the parable of the rich man and Lazarus Jesus said, "If they do not listen to Moses and the Prophets, they will not be convinced even if someone rises from the dead" (Luke 16:31).

The Jesus' Appearing slide show this morning was a rather embarrasing look at how desperate we humans are to have physical, tangible proof that Jesus is really with us. As I said this morning, all such "evidences" make Christianity look silly.

What we have is the evidence of a created world working in perfect order (as opposed to a random mess) , historical witnesses to many of the events, people, and places we read about in the Bible, the trustworthy Word of God as preserved in the Bible, and the evidence of transformed lives. The most powerful witness to the truthfulness of the Bible's message of Christ is the change that occurs in the lives of Jesus' followers. May people see Jesus living in all of us this week.

1 comment:

Tommytwotoez said...

I'm in full agreement with your comments, regarding "the appearing" and also with your arguments in what can justify reason for belief in Christ.

Thomas Aquinas was a famous Christain philosopher, who stated the 5 points of evidence for the existance of God. Much like your argument, he stressed that the natural world was proof enough.

Most of mankind, it seems, would rather be in search of "sightings" on the back of a cerial boxes or on the side of a wall, then to just look outside their window, and see the beautiful world that God has created as proof enough!