Sunday, August 16, 2009

God Doesn't Choose Sides

Today's sermon left me with a lot of unanswered questions. Accepting the fact that God doesn't choose sides but calls us to join Him seems a relevant application of Joshua's conversation with the angel (Joshua 5:13-15). But wrestling with exactly what that means in everyday life is troubling to me.

Should I protest the abortion clinic, strip club, or pornographic movie theater? Or, should I seek to build a relationship with the owners to understand them better and hopefully communicate the gospel? Or, should I simply help people in general come to know the Lord and grow spiritually believing that the only sure way to change culture is for there to be a radical revival that is orchestrated by the Holy Spirit?

How active should I be in the political process? Does concern for changing abortion laws really trump concern for the poor and needy? Is saving the environment better than saving jobs? I no longer believe the naive assumption that one political party stands for righteousness and the other for moral debauchery. It's much more complicated than that, and if it's true that God doesn't choose sides, then Christians have a much more difficult job than simply joining one side or the other and thinking God is for them.

I honestly believe the only hope we have in following God is to truly humble ourselves before him. It has been my experience that when I do this he leads me to people and places that I would have never been open to going to before. When Joshua fell on his face, removed his sandels, and asked what message God had for him -- he received the most bizarre set of battle instructions ever given. Following the leading of God will undoubtedly cause us to do things that we otherwise would not have done. This is the path of the cross.

So, I guess I should expect to have a lot of questions. The only one who has ALL the answers is God himself. Let's humble ourselves before him and let him be the leader of our lives.

1 comment:

Lynn Lennon said...

Thank You.