Sunday, October 4, 2009

The Fruit of the Spirit is . . . Joy

"Doesn't God want me to be happy?", said a woman one day from my counselor's couch. She was in a bad marriage and was convinced in her mind that she needed to get out. What convinced her was her feeling level of unhappiness.

The most profound thought I had this week while preparing this sermon, was that the happiness we yearn for is not the happiness that God wants to give us. Our happiness is TOTALLY dependent upon circumstances and situations. If everything would just go right we could be happy. The Joy which God has available for us through his Spirit is not created by external circumstances and therefore can never be taken from us.

Paul's question to the Galatians, "What has happened to all your joy?" (4:15), is perhaps one that modern day Christians would do well to ponder.

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