Sunday, February 21, 2010

Conforming to Non-Conformity

I would sum up my impression of spending this past weekend with Dr. Scott Hamm in one word, "Transformation." Scott returned to this concept over and over. What's the purpose of the Sunday morning Bible class? To assist in the process of spiritual formation; or in other words, transformation. Who is best suited to teach an adult Bible class? One who is in the process of being spiritually transformed into the image of Christ. Who makes the most lasting spiritual impact on people? The one who has been, and is continuing to be, transformed.

"Do not conform to the pattern of this world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind." (Romans 12:2a) Change your thinking and God will change you! How can we help each other to think more like Jesus and less like the world?

"Then you will be able to test and approve what God's will is--his good, pleasing and perfect will." (Romans 12:2b) There is certainly a place for determining God's specific role for our individual lives. However, this verse is about the community. We all offer our bodies together as "living sacrifices" (Romans 12:1). As all of us surrender ourselves as an act of worship to the Lord Jesus our thinking changes. Things that once were of vital importance now take a back seat to the things that Jesus taught are are truly important.

The power the world has to shape the way we think is changed as together we seek to know and understand his Word, his Will and his Ways. The adult Sunday School is a great place for this kind of learning and sharing to begin.

1 comment:

Lee Schroeder said...

Hi Byron,

I have finally gotten semi-set up here in Germany now. Lots of cold and rainy weather here. lol Some things about TX I will miss, thanks again for all that you have done. Even though you and I have only really seen eachother for once a year for the past four years it really does mean and say a lot that you have kept me in your memory. Even though I haven't been home in the US for several years it is nice to know that I do have a home there in that church for the while i'm off in foreign lands doing my job as an Army Officer. I can only hope that one day I can return the gesture to you and the church when my time in the service is done. I'm thankful for you and the service you've committed yourself to the church. I always remember the story of the centurion and equalivate that to myself and to you. I'll keep up on posting and look foward to reading more of these sermons as they are posted. My address out here is:
Lee Schroeder
CMR 415 Box 5553
APOAE 09114
Take care and God Bless!