Sunday, May 23, 2010

The Message in One Verse

This photo was taken during our sanctuary dedication service a few weeks back. I like how small it makes me look compared to the cross. What better way to preach than for the message of the cross to completely overshadow the giftedness (or lack thereof) of the preacher! That was what I attempted to do today - to tell the "old, old story" in such a way that the love of God was magnified.

I loved being able to interview Cimi, the native Albanian preacher. My hope was that by having him speak briefly God might stir our hearts (especially our children, teens, and young adults) of the need around the world for the message of Jesus. The Gospel really is good news! May we never forget how much our God loves us and how much he wants to work through us so that others might know his love.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Byron, I join you in grieving the loss of our 9-year gift...David Layman.

I'm looking forward to the Mark Study more than any other I can remember. I accept the challenge to read Mark through each week! Please check in with me to help me stay accountable.

Gary Robbins