Sunday, August 8, 2010

Impact Week 2010

My favorite part of the service today were the interviews I was able to have with so many of our members who were involved in Impact Week.  Even though Impact Week is a youth driven activity it is supported by a multitude of people.  That is why I designed the interviews to reflect all ages, both genders, long term members as well as new Christians, singles and marrieds.  Everyone that was involved has a story to share and it was good to get a small sampling of those this morning. 

Nobody could keep up the pace of Impact, and nobody should even try.  Impact Week is designed to be a sprint.  The gun sounded last Sunday and the activity was fast and furious.  We hit the finish line today and now we rest.  After resting, it will be time to get up and move again - not at a fast run but at a nice walking pace.  Let's take the lessons we learned from Impact week and fit them into our daily walk.  As we walk let's remember to:
  • Invest yourself by moving through fear by faith
  • Meet people seeing others through the eyes of Jesus
  • Pray constantly
  • Do Acts of Kindness by serving those in need
  • Live in Community with like minded believers in Jesus sharing our lives
  • Continually offering Thanksgiving to God

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