Sunday, December 26, 2010

Jesus Comes to a World of Trouble

Getting to hear my son Ben preach the day after Christmas was like putting the angel on the tree after all the decorations were complete.  It's always a joy when my children come home and we can spend a few days together.  It is especially joyful at Christmas time.  Ben's sermon this morning was a welcome reminder that in spite of the happiness and good cheer that many of us experience this time of year we still live in a world of trouble. 

I couldn't help but think about those whose holidays were not so jolly because of death, disease, financial reversal, or other problems.  Matthew's gospel is a wake up call that even though the kingdom of God has come with the arrival of Christ, the kingdom will not be here in it's fullness until he comes again.  And so we live with hope in the midst of trouble. 

The twin accounts of the birth of Jesus serve as a wonderful contrast to what we experience in life.  Through Jesus we can sing hallelujahs with the angels as Luke's account compels us to do.  At the same time we can live in the midst of trouble without being overwhelmed because God is with us as Matthew's text reminds us. 

Thank you Ben, for bring us the word this morning.  My prayer is that no matter what situation those in attendance found themselves when they walked in the sanctuary, they went home with the hope of the Christ in their hearts.  “'The virgin will conceive and give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel' (which means 'God with us')." (Matthew 1:22)


Anonymous said...

I really enjoyed the sermon and the perspectives, both trouble and joy, that were delivered. Larry

Unknown said...

I agree, Ben's sermon this morning was a fresh reminder of the dual contrast that we should be mindful of.

We're reminded that though through the birth, the Word became flesh, a great and wonderous reason and season for celebrating. But also we are reminded that our task is not yet complete, Christ treaded the way, we now must follow the path.

Dispite my conservative upbringing, my view of Christmas has rest of my hope for salvation. A moment in time when the light came down into darkness. When the Maker showed the world true humility and unconditional love by becoming a mere human.

Thanks again for the awesome sermon Ben, it has been a true blessing!