Sunday, March 27, 2011

Belong, Believe, Become

Today's youth led worship reminded us again of the value of family.  I was particularly impressed with the sheer number of people involved in leading our service.  The obvious, "up front" people were the praise team and the different speakers.  There was also the eight teens that gave the drama demonstrating the value of being connected with one another.  There were several Bible readers both up front and reading from the pews. There were also the boys who passed the collection plates.  But the most meaningful part of the service for me was watching the various families passing communion. 

As Jeremy reminded us, meal time is a great point of connection for a family.  It is sad to say that the family table is now often only a nostalgic memory in our fast-paced, over-committed lives.  It is worth the sacrifice, however, to slow down a little to sit together and eat a meal as a family.  How appropriate, on this day when we were reminded that we are all family in Christ; we would have individual family units serve the various sections of the sanctuary.  David Layman handed me the trays and near to him were his wife and his two daughters all working together to see that their designated section was served.

In a healthy family, everyone serves using whatever they have to contribute to the whole.  Today, we were blessed to be served by our teenagers and their families. Many of those teenagers have been served by this church for many years while they were growing up.  That is the cycle of love and service that builds strong, healthy families.  May we continue to love, to serve, and to build each other up.


TC said...

Great reflection! I couldn't agree more. Not to get 'political', but I think our youth are showing how ALL can serve the church in ALL capacities. It is amazing how our youth are becoming such leaders in our church and in the greater Church.

Unknown said...

This spiritual discipline on community is an excellent discipline to focus on! I thought today’s worship service was awesome, especially Jeremy’s focus on communion. I also agree with your reflection, that the “family meal” is becoming something nostalgic, lost within the current and future generations. Growing up we always ate together but never really talked or shared emotions (unless silence counts?), we watched Star Trek the Next Generation! But after going to South Korea for over a year in the Army, I witnessed a different culture where meal time became a time for family, friends, and sharing. The entire tour spent over there I never once saw a lonesome eater, but only groups of festive people, willing to drive into conversations and laughter.

Americans are such loners…I wonder sometimes if it’s genetic, something passed down from our colonial ancestors. Because I’ve always felt like a loner but deeper still I know that being a follower of Christ, I live in a com-m-unity, or as I enjoy calling it, common unity. But the loner is still there and will resurface if left unchecked. Our church, especially foundations, has changed my tune of introvertism. Since joining, I’ve witnessed through the years a transformation of like-minds, all welling to share, laugh, cry, and even argue…but all for the greater good, all for the glory of God.