Sunday, April 3, 2011

Finding Your Rhythm

As I reflect on today's sermon I find myself amazed at how simple life should be.  The sun rises and falls every day, the tides roll in and out over and over and over.  Summer follows Spring which comes right after Fall and Winter every year.  Flowers always bloom in spring and trees always lose their leaves in Fall.  We could say it's like clockwork, but in reality, the clock is made possible by the rhythm God has set in the universe. 

If life should be simple, why does it feel so complex?  The short answer would be that sin has entered into God's perfect creation and caused an element of chaos to be present.   This explains why sometimes the rolling waves can become a  highly destructive tsunami!  For many, however, the chaos is not an occasional event but has become a lifestyle.  We choose to live frantic, harried, haggard, crazy lives.  How do does one get off the treadmill? 

I must credit Henry Nouwen for the three point outline I used today to describe how Jesus lived according to God's rhythm.  The concepts of Solitude, Community, and Ministry have helped me a great deal to slow my life down and follow the leading of God's Spirit.  To read Nouwen's insightful article click here.  Life really can be much simpler than many choose to live around us.  Look to Jesus and he will show you the way.


Unknown said...

Amen brother! And bravo on the singing, I would not have been as brave!

This balance thing seems to be a big theme in scripture. Because even to much of a sweet thing can turn sour. Jesus' life is the best example that we tend to ignore. I think its because we focus on the divinity aspect of his existence and never his human side. If we start to remember that Jesus was also fully human we might start to think that we could live as he did and that it is not some enigmatic goal.

These last few weeks have been challenging for me because i've realized that i've never really practiced good spirtual disciplines.

Thank you for painting that picture for us of a world that was once in balance before sin entered in. It reminded me of how God will restore the world and end this human-brought chaos. Imagining it seems so surreal and beautiful!

Byron said...

Tommy, Your comment, "even to much of a sweet thing can turn sour," reminded me of a proberb. "If you find honey, eat just enough—too much of it, and you will vomit." (Proverbs 25:16)

Unknown said...

I thought there might be. It seems like there is always a proverb for everything!

Toyin O. said...

Wow, I really like that, the idea of solitude, community, and ministry sounds divine.