Sunday, September 25, 2011

We Will Serve The Lord

People sometimes ask me how long it takes to write a sermon.  The answer for today's sermon would be 28 years (that's the age of our oldest child).  I was reluctant to preach on parenting when the children were small thinking that the ideal time would be when they were grown.  Now that my children are grown, and the world has changed so much, I'm thinking parents really need help from someone much more in touch with the challenges of today's technology. 

But I preached today's sermon knowing that the basics of parenting never change.  That's why I love Joshua's declaration so much, "As for me and my household, we will serve the LORD."  No matter what age you live in, no matter what's going on in the culture around you, this is surely where godly parenting always begins. 

Today's sermon was not intended to be deep or profound.  I seriously doubt anyone learned anything they didn't already know.  I decided to combine movie clips with personal testimony to encourage parents to do what they already know to do but to do it with conviction and sacrificial leadership.  There is not a single sacrifice Liz and I made in raising our children that we regret.  The three word sermon outline of Time, Talk, and Walk was truly a statement of our priorities.  My prayer is that every Christian family might make them theirs as well.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Sorry I missed your new sermon topic. Honestly I was hopeful that we'd be starting the "Women in Ministry" that was mentioned at the begining of the year.

I'll have to catch this sermon on the church website and hear it for myself. Normally I avoid "parenting" lectures or even sermons because alas I am not a parent...yet! But I did hear from a single non parents person that said they enjoyed your parenting sermon even though they were not a parent.

AS i said, I need to hear this for myself. And please do not take my tone as animosity towards parent type sermons but as simply as it is, at face value. Because I am not a parent and cannot relate to parents. I am not in the club nor can understand the issues that relate to parenting beyond what i've heard from others who are in the club. I know its been 28 years since you were last a non-parent, so I'm not sure if you can understand where I'm coming from.

Luckly most sermons can be turned around to emcompass everyone. Both parents and non-parents. I'll be sure to let you know what I think after I listen to the recording of your sermon.