Sunday, April 20, 2008

A Novel Idea!

I recently finished reading Tim Woodroof's wonderful novel based on Paul's letter to the Philippians. The first edition is called A Distant Presence. Although the book is out of print, one can still find used (or should I say pre-owned) copies available for purchase. The first 2/3 of the book contain the story of Paul's relationship to the Philippian church including reasons for writing them a and the reaction of the church upon receiving it. The second part of the book contains a commentary of the book of Phillippians where the author explains why he included what he did in the narrative. As one who has devoted his life to studying the scriptures and helping people understand and apply that information; I loved this book! To read my review look to the left on my blog and click on the link, Byron's Brief Book Reviews. You will also be directed to where you can order a used copy or a new copy of The Messenger, which is the same novel without the commentary.


Skull Jockey said...

I am now interested in reading Mr. Woodroof's wonderful novel based on Paul's letter tot he Philippians. I enjoy historical narratives. I have read Paul: A novel, which is quite interesting. It doesn't have a commentary attached, but it is great about getting one into the mindset of a first century Jew who just met the Messiah. I would say that many people would enjoy it, but it is probably not that popular in "scholarly" circles.

Anonymous said...

Hi, very interesting post, greetings from Greece!