Sunday, April 6, 2008

The Attitude of Love

"If only we could live the words that we sing." This sentiment might have been on the Apostle's heart as he penned the words to a familiar hymn in Philippians 2:6ff. This afternoon as I reflect on the morning sermon I am thinking of a different sentiment, "It's easier to preach on Sunday than it is to live what I preach on Monday."

How do I live my life so that I Act in love rather than React in fear? Who are the people and what are the situations in my life that need a healthy dose of "love in action" rather than my animal instincts of "fight or flight"? As God reveals these things to me I pray that he will do so for you so that we may all "shine like stars in the sky."

By the way, isn't Bear a handsome dog? If you come to my house I'll show you how he can hold a treat on his paw until I tell him to eat it. Good boy!

1 comment:

Skull Jockey said...

Didn't get to hear it, but you're dog is cute.