Sunday, October 16, 2011

High and Holy Becomes Meek and Lowly

No matter how many times I've heard the "old, old story" I never cease to be amazed that God would humble himself to become one of us.  The complicated doctrine of the Trinity or the difficulty in explaining the Incarnation are nothing compared to comprehending why the High and Holy One would humble himself to the extent that he would suffer all the effects of the Fall.  He who had need of nothing made himself weak so that he might restore relationship with his sinful creatures. 

Some of the scriptures quoted in this morning's sermon spoke to the in incomprehensible concept of God becoming a human.  But, the most profound scripture I know is also the most simple: "For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only son. . ."  Karl Barth, a theologican one who had wrestled with many deep biblical concepts was supposed to have been asked the question, "What is the most profound thought you have ever encountered?"  His response, "Jesus loves me, this I know, for the Bible tells me so."


Skull Jockey said...

Can you imagine how much more complex and harder to grasp had God not sent Jesus to make that connection with us? It's inconceivable, but at the same time makes God so much more believable and reachable.

Unknown said...

Awesome sermon yesterday master paster (borrowed from Donna)!

It does amaze the heart thiking and attempting to understand God taking on flesh, being human. The whole washing the feet in Johns gospel continues to whisper in my ear the kind of messiah Jesus is and the kind of student and disciple I should be.

I have no right to think of myself more than anyone else or higher because God became a servant. Now the low is exhalted, the humbled praised, the rejects of society saved.

It all makes me want to sing. Blessed be the Lord, in all things. Amen.