Sunday, October 30, 2011

We Believe in the Holy Spirit

When we think of God the Father, usually a human image comes to mind such as Michelangelo's famous painting depicting God and Adam.  We often conceive of Jesus in terms of a young man.  But what image comes to mind when we think of the Holy Spirit?  Trinitarian doctrine calls him the "third person" of the the Godhead, but images in our mind are often cloudy or vapory.  How can one conceive of the Holy Spirit as a person?

This was precisely the reason why I choose to present the Holy Spirit as a gentleman this morning.  What a difference it makes to visualize the Spirit as a continual presence with us urging us and empowering us to live holy lives.  I appreciate Richard using his acting talents this morning to give us a visual image of the Holy Spirit as a person who leads, instructs, guides and corrects. 

My take away from this morning's lesson is the sermon text, "So I say, walk by the Spirit, and you will not gratify the desires of the sinful nature"  (Galatians 5:16).  I want to live a life "under the influence" of the Spirit so that the sinful nature continues to die away and life in the Spirit grows stronger and stronger.


Skull Jockey said...

I was really intrigued by your sermon this morning. I keep thinking, What is Richard doing up there? And why isn't Byron saying something about it?
And then of course you brought the concept of the HS being a gentleman and how Richard interacted with you was a great visual representation of that concept.
It is difficult to see the HS as a person. To see him as a person that has feelings, can be grieved and can be quenched. Still a concept I struggle with honestly.

Unknown said...

I agree with Mr. Jockey here. I was also intrigued by your sermon and was wondering why you did not address what Richard was doing.

I love the idea of the HS being a gentleman. Its an interesting idea because it kind of gives a face to our reflective meditations on the fruit of the spirit. Before they just seemed like prefered behavior but with a face they seem more like qualties that behold a gentleman such as the HS.

And like any gentleman he gently shows us a better way.

Anonymous said...

I thought this lesson showed great creativity. It is an example of the blessing that comes to the church when individuals prepare to bring honor to God.

D Thompson