Sunday, April 29, 2012

The Annointed Attitude

Faith is believing in unseen realities that are more real than what can be experienced by the 5 senses.  It should be no surprise that those who live by faith will be something of a mystery to those who do not.  The anointed attitude we discussed in today's sermon will both attract and repel.  To some, seeing a people who are daily meditating on the Word of God and seeking to live in accordance with it's teaching is incredibly attractive.  I'm not talking about a legalistic observance of the law, rather, a joyful obedience that brings peace and contentment. 

On the other hand, some are repelled by such people.  I never cease to be amazed at the mocking characterization of people of faith by the media, especially those who make there living through comedy.  Ridicule, insults, and mockery of God and His Teachings are standard fare for the stand up comedians and situation comedies.  There are many other, more subtle messages that daily bombard the people of God with the message, "You've got to be a complete idiot to believe that." 

The anointed attitude comes from the people who are meditating on the Word of God (Psalm 1) and have given whole-hearted allegiance to the Messiah (or Anointed One of Psalm 2) who is the Word Made Flesh (John 1:14).  Only those with an anointed attitude can join the Holy One in laughter when the "powerful" plot to overthrow God's Messiah.  Only those with an anointed attitude can see the unseen realities beyond the veil of this world. 

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