Sunday, April 15, 2012

No Preaching For Me Today

Today I went to listen to Brent Isbell preach at the University Church of Christ in Abilene.  What a joy to be able to sit on the other side of the pulpit for a change.  Brent is doing a series on David and today's text was the terrible tale of coveting, adultery, and murder.   Brent did a marvelous job of drawing us into the story and allowing us to experience the drama as it unfolds.  No excuses, no blaming; David found himself at the logical end of a long slide away from his role as the singer of songs and as the defeater of Goliath.  It's a sad story that continues to be repeated. 

Brent began with the Law's instructions to Israel for when they set a king over themselves (Deut. 17:14ff).  I had never before noticed that the warnings given concerned the same three temptations that eventually attack everyone: Money, Power, and Sex.  David didn't heed the warning.  His adultery didn't just happen by chance.  He had been in a long slow drift.   David could get whatever he wanted, . . . so he did.  Brent powerfully brought the message home with a series of questions near the end of the sermon beginning with,  "What terrace are you leaning over?".  A good call for self-examination that hit me right in the heart.  I'll carry this sermon with me for awhile as I ponder that question.

I have been in Abilene all week preparing to preach a new series from the Psalms. (Staying with my son Ben has been an extra blessing!)  It's been good to get out of town and focus all of my attention on these 150 wonderful expressions of praise, lament, complaint, thanksgiving, celebration, and mourning.  I look forward to leading Clear Lake Church through the journey of using Psalms to express our hearts and allowing God to transform us to be more like Jesus.  See you next Sunday!

1 comment:

TC said...

I hope you enjoyed your much needed time away. You missed a very special and powerful service led by our youth. See you next Sunday.