Monday, November 17, 2008

The End Result of Praying

After church Sunday I left to take a study retreat. Internet access is limited and I am currently sitting outside something called the "Activity Outpost" since it is not yet open and is the only place around here (Flint, Texas) that has wireless service. My fingers are feeling a little stiff and I have to keep retyping my letters! I will be studying the whole concept surrounding the Second Coming of Jesus (resurrection of the dead, judgment, Heaven, Hell, etc.). Next year I would like for us to focus our attention on Jesus' return and what that means for how we are to live in the present. I think I will preach a series with a title slightly modified from one of Stephen Covey's principles: "Living with the End in Mind."

I thought Saturday's prayer retreat and Sunday's service were just outstanding. The retreat was truly the culmination of having a year where we were devoted to prayer. We all experienced a taste of the unity I talked about in the sermon. When we unite our hearts in prayer, opening ourselves to one another and to God, we share in the unity of Father, Son, and Spirit. We were made to enjoy these kind of relationships.

Ending the sermon time focusing on the addition of our new administration deacons and the partnership we have with Hilltop, hopefully emphasized that God answers our prayers by giving us opportunity to join Him in his work. I am so thankful that He has given us the eyes to see what he's doing and allowed us to take part. I never would have thought I would see a church reorganization in such a positive light, but it has become obvious to me that what we are currently involved in will truly allow us to focus on the truly important matters instead of being continually focused on the urgent.

Well the sun is now bright, my fingers have thawed and it's time to go back to my studying!

1 comment:

Skull Jockey said...

I'm glad you're getting a "study break".

One thing that we noticed was that after Jesus' example of prayer in Matt. 6 he talks about fasting. I don't know if you have ever done some lessons on fasting, but it seems that prayer and fasting go together...

If might also prepare us for some "financial fasting" that might need to be done to help get our church finances back on track.

I was telling Amanda and had I known what the prayer retreats were going to be like, I would have made a better effort to go to the other ones. I honestly thought it would just be a bunch of people sitting around with their heads down. Instead I found a very pleasant, challenging, and blessed experience.